Guidance & Counseling » November Newsletter

November Newsletter

October Recap

We hope this newsletter finds you and your loved ones in great spirits! As we navigate through another busy month, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude for your continued support and partnership in your son's education. Together, we create a nurturing environment where our students can thrive

Important Announcements👇🏽


Looking ahead, we want to share some important dates for this month:

  • Four-Year Plans - we will begin working with students on their four-year plans
  • November 13th is Kindness Day, where we will focus on spreading kindness throughout our school
Unity Day

October 16th - Unity Day: This week, our students proudly wore their Unity Day shirts

and signed the Unity Day Pledge. They visited our Wellness Room and shared ideas on

how to end bullying and support one another. Everyone enjoyed spinning the prize wheel to win fun orange prizes!


Unity Day

What's YOUR Natural High Week 

Oct. 28th - Nov. Ist, we celebrated Natural High Week with engaging activities each day:

  • Monday: Students expressed what their natural high was.
  • Tuesday - Crazy
    sock/mismatched sock day added a fun twist.
  • Wednesday - Student participated in "Give Drugs the Boot"
  • Thursday - Everyone enjoyed rock painting in the quad.
  • Friday - We celebrated with "Lei Off Drugs!" Where all students received leis to wear through the day

Small Counseling Groups

Throughout the year, we offer several small group sessions to address the unique needs of our students. These include "Healing Hearts" (a grief group), "Keep Calm," Donut Stress," (Managing Stress), and "Mindful Buttons." (Learning to be attentive to thoughts and feelings). Please let us know if you believe your son could benefit from participating in any of these groups.

Contact Info:


Dr. Cantu - [email protected]

Mr. Lira - [email protected]