Dr. Boyd Newman-Caro '13 - Science Department Lecture Series

On Friday, September 16, Dr. Boyd Newman-Caro (CC alum, class of 2013), gave a talk to 35 Central students over Zoom about his journey into medicine. He discussed how the rigor of his Central classes prepared him for the University of Dayton and medical school (at the DO program at UIW). He also discussed how his work with the Guardian Angels during his time here at Central inspired him to pick a career where he could help others.
In addition, Dr. Newman-Caro spent a great deal of time discussing how he and his colleagues treat the homeless. He even included many of the ailments that he treated them for. This really illustrated the type of compassionate person that Dr. Newman- Caro is.
This was a powerful talk and I know many of the teachers here at Central Catholic who taught Boyd are proud of the incredible young man he has grown into.