Message from the Principal - November

I can't even begin to say how proud I am and how blessed I felt by what I witnessed this past Friday during our first-ever Family Meetings. In these Family Meetings, students from different divisions gathered together with a teacher moderator. Some of the students knew each other and some did not. Teachers knew some of the students in their respective families, and they met some students for the very first time. During this special time, students and teachers interacted with each other to learn about one another, grow in faith, and share in fellowship.

I was able to get into about 25 classrooms to observe some true magic. Students were engaged. Teachers were engaged. Seniors were talking to freshmen. Juniors were talking to sophomores. Everyone was intermingling, laughing, and smiling. I literally choked up in the hallway because I was overwhelmed by our teachers’ and students’ camaraderie and genuine interest. I haven't seen something that impactful in a long while. I witnessed true community in the Marianist tradition. We will continue with the Family Meetings once a month. I truly believe we are onto something! I would also like to thank everyone for your continued support and feedback, especially during difficult times. We take these moments as opportunities to come together and learn. Through the guidance of our Mother Mary, we will move forward as a community and become stronger in everything we do.

May God continue to bless each and every one of you, and may God bless our Central High. 

Grace and Peace,

Dr. H