Guardian Angel Updates - December 2022

I just wanted to keep you all in the loop regarding what the Guardian Angels have been up to. We’ve been busy, to say the least! :) 

For starters, we volunteered at St. Gregory's after mass on Sunday, Dec. 4. We served pancakes to the community at a special "Breakfast with Santa" event. You would be proud of our guys. They handled themselves with class. Some of the guys even got up and sang Christmas carols with a mic in front of a large audience in the cafeteria. Holy cow, Paul Garcia has got a rich baritone voice! If only I could get these guys to sing in the choir here, but I digress. We even had a couple of alum help us out, as well (Bryce Zertuche - 2019 and Jacob Fuentes - 2021).
Leo Bendele - class of 2027 with Jacob Fuentes - class of 2021
On Wednesday, Dec. 7, we had our second blood drive of the year. We finished with 33 units. A very special shoutout goes out to Mrs. Bethany Herman for donating.
As far as our recent Christmas Toy Drive goes, we have partnered with Debi Harper & the Stay Strong Foundation, St. PJ’s Children’s Home, and St. Gregory’s-St. Vincent de Paul Ministries.

We were able to collect over 800 toys for needy kiddos this Christmas!!!

Most of these toys will be given to children with cancer. To be able to do this really warms my heart. These kids are going through the hardest and darkest times of their lives.

May God bless each of you for the remainder of this Advent season and may God continue to bless our Central Catholic!

-James Bendele