Astronomy Field Trip & Anatomy & Physiology Dissection

On Tuesday, May 9th, 75 members of Coach Curran's and Mr. Bendele's classes went to the Scobee Planetarium to view a program on black holes.  

Some of the topics covered during the hour presentation were types of stars, supernovae, gravitational waves, space-time, Einstein rings, event horizon, wormholes, and the multiverse.  The trip proved to be a valuable educational experience for all in attendance!  Special thanks to Mr. Combest and Mr.Bendele for helping drive and chaperone. Go Buttons!!

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On Thursday, May 4 students in Coach Curran's Anatomy and Physiology mostly senior class looked at the anatomy of a bullfrog in detail during a dissection laboratory activity. Huge bullfrogs were used because it allows them to see more details. All groups worked hard and kept positive attitudes despite "the smell!"

