Message from the Principal

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Happy New Year! Ready or not, 2024 is here! It’s been great to see our young men back in the building and in the classrooms the past few weeks. The beginning of a new year is often used as an opportunity to reflect and venture on to new beginnings. Some will create resolutions and some will simply try to be better each day. No matter your path, remember to include more time for prayer in your life. Be intentional in your prayer and work on deepening your relationship with Christ. He is our true guide. 

The spring semester always seems to go by faster than the first. Central Catholic is very busy during this time of the year. From sporting events to awards ceremonies to various competitions, spring break, and GRADUATION, the end of the year will be here before you know it! We will do our best to send out reminders and updates; however, most information can be found on the eButton and on our school calendar. Please stay connected! Let’s make it a great 2024!

May you all continue to be surrounded by an abundance of blessings. Please continue to pray for our families and for our beloved Central Catholic. 

Grace and Peace,

Dr. Lee Hernández