Chaminade Guard Alumni Fund
Donations to the Chaminade Guard Alumni Fund will go toward two main projects initially:
- A Trophy and Memorabilia display case honoring the legacy of CCHS Drill Teams
- Refurbishment and Dedication of the Reviewing Stand.
After these projects are completed, we plan to maintain a fund to provide scholarship assistance to members of the Chaminade Guard.
The heritage of all of us who chose to commit blood, sweat, and tears to the legend of the Guard is honored by the development of a Chaminade Guard Heritage Coin. We remember those past and motivate members in the future to build on the legacy.
For a donation of $100 or more, you will receive your choice of the Heritage Coin or the Guard (Machine) lapel pin shown below. You may receive your coin and pin at any of our Guard Alumni Chapter events or meetings or you may ask to have it mailed to you.
If you prefer to donate by check, make payable to Central Catholic HS and note “Chaminade Guard Alumni” on the “For” (notation) line, mail to CCHS, ATTN: Alumni Office, 1403 N. St. Mary’s St. SA, Texas 78215 and include the information below:
Name CCHS Class Graduation Year
Year(s) on the Loyd Rifles (i.e., “Freshman, SY19xx-xx”)
Year(s) on the Chaminade Guard (i.e., “Sophomore, Junior SY19xx-xx”)
Contact information to include phone number, email address and mailing address.